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About Us

Welcome! We serve students at Paris Junior College through offering free laundry, free lunch on Thursdays, fun events, time for creative expression, and learning opportunities. We are committed to cultivating student leaders and making sure that students have a space where they feel supported and fully embraced.


We are a nonprofit center formed out of the United Methodist Church, however we serve students at Paris Junior College of differing faith backgrounds or no faith background. We ask our students to engage through a lens of openness and curiosity. Our goal is for every PJC student to have a space to experience community and growth. 

Be the change that you want to see in the world.

                                                            -Mahatma Gandhi

Our Mission

Our Mission

We are a faith community committed to journeying together, boldly questioning and deepening our beliefs, and living in a way that makes the world more like God's dream.


Our Vision

To cultivate world-changers grounded

in the love of God. 

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